NHibernate has a number of configuration options: Enabling statistics, Caching etc. You can check more from here
I will now talk about an unknown feature(well, at least I didn’t know until I implement SchemaValidator): hbm2ddl.auto
Hbm2ddl.auto is declarative way to use SchemaExport / SchemaUpdate / SchemaValidator (well the latter sounds odd, maybe it would be better to call it SchemaValidate, what do you think?). If you add
<property name="hbm2ddl.auto">create</property>
for example, it will run
new SchemaExport(cfg).Create(false, true);
during SessionFactory initialization, with which you probably are familiar.
There are several options for hbm2ddl.auto.
If you prefer not to use programatic way, configuration is just here.