Changes From NH 1.2.1GA to NH 2.0.0
- .NET 1.1 is no longer supported
- Nullables.NHibernate is no longer supported (use nullable types of .NET 2.0)
- Contrib projects moved to
Compile time
- NHibernate.Expression namespace was renamed to NHibernate.Criterion
- IInterceptor have additional methods. (IsUnsaved was renamed IsTransient)
- INamingStrategy
- IType
- IEntityPersister
- IVersionType
- IBatcher
- IUserCollectionType
- IEnhancedUserType
- IPropertyAccessor
- ValueTypeType renamed to PrimitiveType
Possible Breaking Changes for external frameworks
- Various classes were moved between namespaces
- Various classes have been renamed (to match Hibernate 3.2 names)
- ISession interface have additional methods
- ICacheProvider
- ICriterion
- CriteriaQueryTranslator
Initialization time
section, in App.config, is no longer supported and will be ignored. Configuration schema for configuration file and App.config is now identical, and the App.config section name is:
have a different schema and all properties names are cheked
- configuration properties are no longer prefixed by “hibernate.”, if before you would specify “hibernate.dialect”, now you specify just “dialect”
- All named queries will be validated at initialization time, an exception will be thrown if any is not valid (can be disabled if needed)
- Stricter checks for proxying classes (all public methods must be virtual)
Run time
- SaveOrUpdateCopy() returns a new instance of the entity without changing the original
- AutoFlush will not occur outside a transaction - Database transactions are never optional, all communication with the database must occur inside a transaction, whatever you read or write data.
- NHibernate will return long for count(*) queries on SQL Server
must contain parenthesis when needed
- The HQL functions names may cause conflic in your HQL (reserved names are: substring, locate, trim, length, bit_length, coalesce, nullif, abs, mod, sqrt, upper, lower, cast, extract, concat, current_timestamp, sysdate, second, minute, hour, day, month, year, str)
when meta-type=”class” the persistent type is a string containing the Class.FullName (In order to set a parameter in a query you must use SetParameter(“paraName”, typeof(YourClass).FullName, NHibernateUtil.ClassMetaType) )
: default meta-type is “string” (was “class”)