The reasons behind why you should implement an IsharedEngineProvider are well explained here.
In this howto I will show a easy way to achieve that.
First of all this is my implementation of ISharedEngineProvider:
public class CastleSharedEngineProvider : ISharedEngineProvider { private readonly ValidatorEngine _validatorEngine; public CastleSharedEngineProvider(ValidatorEngine validatorEngine) { _validatorEngine = validatorEngine; } public ValidatorEngine GetEngine() { return _validatorEngine; } }
as you can see is very straightforward.
Second I will show you how to setup your IoC. I use a castle container for this sample:
private static void ConfigureValidator() { //Create a new ValidatorEngine. var ve = new ValidatorEngine(); //Register the ValidatorEngine component for singleton. container.Register(Component.For<ValidatorEngine>() .Instance(ve).LifeStyle.Singleton); //Register the service for ISharedEngineProvider container.Register(Component.For<ISharedEngineProvider>() .ImplementedBy<CastleSharedEngineProvider>()); //Assign the shared engine provider for NHV. NHibernate.Validator.Cfg.Environment.SharedEngineProvider = container.Resolve<ISharedEngineProvider>(); //Configure validation framework fluently var configure = new FluentConfiguration(); configure.Register( Assembly.Load("SGF.Dominio") .ValidationDefinitions() ) .SetDefaultValidatorMode(ValidatorMode.UseAttribute) .IntegrateWithNHibernate.ApplyingDDLConstraints().And.RegisteringListeners(); ve.Configure(configure); }
There are three things that you need remember:
-You can't initialize or configure NHV before you have assigned the SharedEngineProvider.
-Never create a new instance of ValidatorEngine, pick the singleton from the IoC or the SharedEngineprovider
-If you use DDL Constraints or Listeners for Nhibernate you need to tell NHV what is the NH config that need to be populate with this info.