Chapter 17. Linq Queries

NHibernate 3.0 introduces the Linq to NHibernate provider, which allows the use of the Linq API for querying with NHibernate.

IQueryable queries are obtained with the Query methods used on the ISession or IStatelessSession. (Prior to NHibernate 5.0, these methods were extensions defined in the NHibernate.Linq namespace.) A number of NHibernate Linq extensions giving access to NHibernate specific features are defined in the NHibernate.Linq namespace. Of course, the Linq namespace is still needed too.

using System.Linq;
using NHibernate.Linq;

Note: NHibernate has another querying API which uses lambda, QueryOver. It should not be confused with a Linq provider.

17.1. Structure of a Query

Queries are created from an ISession using the syntax:

IList<Cat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.Color == "white")

The Query<TEntity> function yields an IQueryable<TEntity>, with which Linq extension methods or Linq syntax can be used. When executed, the IQueryable<TEntity> will be translated to a SQL query on the database.


It is possible to query a specific sub-class while still using a queryable of the base class.

IList<Cat> cats =
    session.Query<Cat>("Eg.DomesticCat, Eg")
        .Where(c => c.Name == "Max")

Starting with NHibernate 5.0, queries can also be created from an entity collection, with the standard Linq extension AsQueryable available from System.Linq namespace.

IList<Cat> whiteKittens =
        .Where(k => k.Color == "white")

This will be executed as a query on that cat's kittens without loading the entire collection.

If the collection is a map, call AsQueryable on its Values property.

IList<Cat> whiteKittens =
        .Where(k => k.Color == "white")


A client timeout for the query can be defined. As most others NHibernate specific features for Linq, this is available through an extension defined in NHibernate.Linq namespace.

IList<Cat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.Color == "black")
        // Allows 10 seconds only.
        .SetOptions(o => o.SetTimeout(10))

17.2. Parameter types

Query parameters get extracted from the Linq expression. Their types are selected according to NHibernate types default for .Net types.

The MappedAs extension method allows to override the default type.

IList<Cat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.BirthDate == DateTime.Today.MappedAs(NHibernateUtil.Date))
IList<Cat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.Name == "Max".MappedAs(TypeFactory.Basic("AnsiString(200)")))

17.3. Supported methods and members

Many methods and members of common .Net types are supported by the Linq to NHibernate provider. They will be translated to the appropriate SQL, provided they are called on an entity property (or expression deriving from) or at least one of their arguments references an entity property. (Otherwise, their return values will be evaluated with .Net runtime before query execution.)

17.3.1. Common methods

The .Net 4 CompareTo method of strings and numerical types is translated to a case statement yielding -1|0|1 according to the result of the comparison.


Many type conversions are available. For all of them, .Net overloads with more than one argument are not supported.

Numerical types can be converted to other numerical types or parsed from strings, using following methods:

  • Convert.ToDecimal

  • Convert.ToDouble

  • Convert.ToInt32

  • Decimal.Parse

  • Double.Parse

  • Int32.Parse

Strings can be converted to Boolean and DateTime with Convert.ToBoolean or Boolean.Parse and Convert.ToDateTime or DateTime.Parse respectively.

On all types supporting string conversion, ToString method can be called.

IList<string> catBirthDates =
        .Select(c => c.BirthDate.ToString())


Equals methods taking a single argument with the same type can be used. Of course, == is supported too.

17.3.2. DateTime and DateTimeOffset

Date and time parts properties can be called on DateTime and DateTimeOffset. Those properties are:

  • Date

  • Day

  • Hour

  • Minute

  • Month

  • Second

  • Year

17.3.3. ICollection, non generic and generic

Collections Contains methods are supported.

IList<Cat> catsWithWrongKitten =
        .Where(c => c.Kittens.Contains(c))

17.3.4. IDictionary, non generic and generic

Dictionaries Item getter are supported. This enables referencing a dictionary item value in a where condition, as it can be done with HQL expressions.

Non generic dictionary method Contains and generic dictionary method ContainsKey are translated to corresponding indices HQL expressions. Supposing Acts in following HQL example is generic,

from Eg.Show show where 'fizard' in indices(show.Acts)

it could be written with Linq:

IList<Show> shows =
        .Where(s => s.Acts.ContainsKey("fizard"))

17.3.5. Mathematical functions

The following list of mathematical functions from System.Math is handled:

  • Trigonometric functions: Acos, Asin, Atan, Atan2, Cos, Cosh, Sin, Sinh, Tan, Tanh

  • Abs (all overloads)

  • Ceiling (both overloads)

  • Floor (both overloads)

  • Pow

  • Round (only overloads without a mode argument)

  • Sign (all overloads)

  • Sqrt

  • Truncate (both overloads)

17.3.6. Nullables

On Nullable<> types, GetValueOrDefault methods, with or without a provided default value, are supported.

17.3.7. Strings

The following properties and methods are supported on strings:

  • Contains

  • EndsWith (without additional parameters)

  • IndexOf (only overloads taking a character or a string, and optionally a start index)

  • Length

  • Replace (both overloads)

  • StartsWith (without additional parameters)

  • Substring (both overloads)

  • ToLower (without additional parameters) and ToLowerInvariant, both translated to the same database lower function.

  • ToUpper (without additional parameters) and ToUpperInvariant, both translated to the same database upper function.

  • Trim (both overloads)

  • TrimEnd

  • TrimStart


Furthermore, a string Like extension methods allows expressing SQL like conditions.

IList<DomesticCat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.Name.Like("L%l%l"))

This Like extension method is a Linq to NHibernate method only. Trying to call it in another context is not supported.

If you want to avoid depending on the NHibernate.Linq namespace, you can define your own replica of the Like methods. Any 2 or 3 arguments method named Like in a class named SqlMethods will be translated.

17.4. Future results

Future results are supported by the Linq provider. They are not evaluated till one gets executed. At that point, all defined future results are evaluated in one single round-trip to database.

// Define queries
IFutureEnumerable<Cat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.Color == "black")
IFutureValue<int> catCount =
        .ToFutureValue(q => q.Count());
// Execute them
foreach(Cat cat in cats.GetEnumerable())
    // Do something
if (catCount.Value > 10)
    // Do something

In above example, accessing catCount.Value does not trigger a round-trip to database: it has been evaluated with cats.GetEnumerable() call. If instead catCount.Value was accessed first, it would have executed both future and cats.GetEnumerable() would have not trigger a round-trip to database.

17.5. Fetching associations

A Linq query may load associated entities or collection of entities. Once the query is defined, using Fetch allows fetching a related entity, and FetchMany allows fetching a collection. These methods are defined as extensions in NHibernate.Linq namespace.

IList<Cat> oldCats =
        .Where(c => c.BirthDate.Year < 2010)
        .Fetch(c => c.Mate)
        .FetchMany(c => c.Kittens)

Issuing many FetchMany on the same query may cause a cartesian product over the fetched collections. This can be avoided by splitting the fetches among future queries.

IQueryable<Cat> oldCatsQuery =
        .Where(c => c.BirthDate.Year < 2010);
    .Fetch(c => c.Mate)
    .FetchMany(c => c.Kittens)
IList<Cat> oldCats =
        .FetchMany(c => c.AnotherCollection)


Use ThenFetch and ThenFetchMany for fetching associations of the previously fetched association.

IList<Cat> oldCats =
        .Where(c => c.BirthDate.Year < 2010)
        .Fetch(c => c.Mate)
        .FetchMany(c => c.Kittens)
        .ThenFetch(k => k.Mate)

17.6. Modifying entities inside the database

Beginning with NHibernate 5.0, Linq queries can be used for inserting, updating or deleting entities. The query defines the data to delete, update or insert, and then Delete, Update, UpdateBuilder, InsertInto and InsertBuilder queryable extension methods allow to delete it, or instruct in which way it should be updated or inserted. Those queries happen entirely inside the database, without extracting corresponding entities out of the database.

These operations are a Linq implementation of Section 13.3, “DML-style operations”, with the same abilities and limitations.

17.6.1. Inserting new entities

InsertInto and InsertBuilder method extensions expect a NHibernate queryable defining the data source of the insert. This data can be entities or a projection. Then they allow specifying the target entity type to insert, and how to convert source data to those target entities. Three forms of target specification exist.

Using projection to target entity:

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)
    .InsertInto(c => new Dog { Name = c.Name + "dog", BodyWeight = c.BodyWeight });

Projections can be done with an anonymous object too, but it requires supplying explicitly the target type, which in turn requires re-specifying the source type:

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)
    .InsertInto<Cat, Dog>(c => new { Name = c.Name + "dog", BodyWeight = c.BodyWeight });

Or using assignments:

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)
    .Value(d => d.Name, c => c.Name + "dog")
    .Value(d => d.BodyWeight, c => c.BodyWeight)

In all cases, unspecified properties are not included in the resulting SQL insert. version and timestamp properties are exceptions. If not specified, they are inserted with their seed value.

For more information on Insert limitations, please refer to Section 13.3, “DML-style operations”.

17.6.2. Updating entities

Update and UpdateBuilder method extensions expect a NHibernate queryable defining the entities to update. Then they allow specifying which properties should be updated with which values. As for insertion, three forms of target specification exist.

Using projection to updated entity:

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)
    .Update(c => new Cat { BodyWeight = c.BodyWeight / 2 });

Projections can be done with an anonymous object too:

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)
    .Update(c => new { BodyWeight = c.BodyWeight / 2 });

Or using assignments:

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)
    .Set(c => c.BodyWeight, c => c.BodyWeight / 2)

In all cases, unspecified properties are not included in the resulting SQL update. This could be changed for version and timestamp properties: using UpdateVersioned instead of Update allows incrementing the version. Custom version types (NHibernate.Usertype.IUserVersionType) are not supported.

When using projection to updated entity, please note that the constructed entity must have the exact same type than the underlying queryable source type. Attempting to project to any other class (anonymous projections excepted) will fail.

17.6.3. Deleting entities

Delete method extension expects a queryable defining the entities to delete. It immediately deletes them.

    .Where(c => c.BodyWeight > 20)

17.7. Query cache

The Linq provider can use the query cache if it is setup. Refer to Section 20.4, “The Query Cache” for more details on how to set it up.


SetOptions extension method allows to enable the cache for the query.

IList<Cat> oldCats =
        .Where(c => c.BirthDate.Year < 2010)
        .SetOptions(o => o.SetCacheable(true))


The cache mode and cache region can be specified too.

IList<Cat> cats =
        .Where(c => c.Name == "Max")
        .SetOptions(o => o

17.8. Extending the Linq to NHibernate provider

The Linq to NHibernate provider can be extended for supporting additional SQL functions or translating additional methods or properties to a SQL query.

17.8.1. Adding SQL functions

NHibernate Linq provider feature a LinqExtensionMethod attribute. It allows using an arbitrary, built-in or user defined, SQL function. It should be applied on a method having the same arguments than the SQL function.

public static class CustomLinqExtensions
    public static string Checksum(this double input)
        // No need to implement it in .Net, unless you wish to call it
        // outside IQueryable context too.
        throw new NotImplementedException("This call should be translated " +
            "to SQL and run db side, but it has been run with .Net runtime");

Then it can be used in a Linq to NHibernate query.

var rnd = (new Random()).NextDouble();
IList<Cat> cats =
        // Pseudo random order
        .OrderBy(c => (c.Id * rnd).Checksum())

The function name is inferred from the method name. If needed, another name can be provided.

public static class CustomLinqExtensions
    public static string ACustomFunction(this string input, string otherInput)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Since NHibernate v5.0, the Linq provider will no more evaluate in-memory the method call even when it does not depend on the queried data. If you wish to have the method call evaluated before querying whenever possible, and then replaced in the query by its resulting value, specify LinqExtensionPreEvaluation.AllowPreEvaluation on the attribute.

public static class CustomLinqExtensions
    public static string ACustomFunction(this string input, string otherInput)
        // In-memory evaluation implementation.
        return input.Replace(otherInput, "blah");

17.8.2. Adding a custom generator

Generators are responsible for translating .Net method calls found in lambdas to the proper HQL constructs. Adding support for a new method call can be achieved by registering an additional generator in the Linq to NHibernate provider.

If the purpose of the added method is to simply call some SQL function, using Section 17.8.1, “Adding SQL functions” will be easier.


As an example, here is how to add support for an AsNullable method which would allow to call aggregates which may yield null without to explicitly cast to the nullable type of the aggregate.

public static class NullableExtensions
    public static T? AsNullable<T>(this T value) where T : struct
        // Allow runtime use.
        // Not useful for linq-to-nhibernate, could be:
        // throw NotSupportedException();
        return value;

Adding support in Linq to NHibernate for a custom method requires a generator. For this AsNullable method, we need a method generator, declaring statically its supported method.

public class AsNullableGenerator : BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod
    public AsNullableGenerator()
        SupportedMethods = new[]
             ReflectHelper.GetMethodDefinition(() => NullableExtensions.AsNullable(0))

    public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(MethodInfo method,
        Expression targetObject,
        ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments,
        HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder,
        IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor)
        // This has just to transmit the argument "as is", HQL does not need
        // a specific call for null conversion.
        return visitor.Visit(arguments[0]).AsExpression();

There are property generators too, and the supported methods or properties can be dynamically declared. Check NHibernate NHibernate.Linq.Functions namespace classes's sources for more examples. CompareGenerator and DateTimePropertiesHqlGenerator are examples of those other cases.

For adding AsNullableGenerator in Linq to NHibernate provider, a new generators registry should be used. Derive from the default one and merge it. (Here we have a static declaration of method support case.)

public class ExtendedLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry :
    public ExtendedLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry()
        : base()
        this.Merge(new AsNullableGenerator());

In the case of dynamic declaration of method support, another call is required instead of the merge: RegisterGenerator. CompareGenerator illustrates this.

The last step is to instruct NHibernate to use this extended registry. It can be achieved through xml configuration under session-factory node, or by code before building the session factory. Use one of them.

<property name="linqtohql.generatorsregistry">
    YourNameSpace.ExtendedLinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry, YourAssemblyName
using NHibernate.Cfg;
// ...

var cfg = new Configuration();
// And build the session factory with this configuration.

Now the following query could be executed, without failing if no Max cat exists.

var oldestMaxBirthDate =
        .Where(c => c.Name == "Max")
        .Select(c => c.BirthDate.AsNullable())

(Of course, the same result could be obtained with (DateTime?)(c.BirthDate).)

By default, the Linq provider will try to evaluate the method call with .Net runtime whenever possible, instead of translating it to SQL. It will not do it if at least one of the parameters of the method call has its value originating from an entity, or if the method is marked with the NoPreEvaluation attribute (available since NHibernate 5.0).